The challenge in writing and managing your blog are 2 fold: 1. Keeping your reader engaged with what you are writing so that they will come back to read more and (more importantly) tell others about your blog and 2. Marketing your blog to drive traffic to your website. I found a good post on Titled "Why People Don't Read your Blog" in it the author states that "Blogging is like starting your own print fanzine.
First you put the hard work in, gather a
collection of articles, images and other content
and launch your new publication. Once the first
issue is ready it's time to get out there and show
it to everyone. "
I agree with this. Adding various tools and widgets, like JargonFish, to your site often makes the users experience more enjoyable and is also a great marketing medium. Additionally, getting involved with blog networks and other social networks, such as Blog Catalog, are important to attract the readers and audience you are targeting. A successful implementation of this strategy should facilitate an increase in new visitors and maintain a higher level of repeat readers.
Wednesday, March 26, 2008
Attracting and Engaging your Readers
Monday, March 24, 2008
Understanding How "Standard Tools" Work
There has been a couple of questions surfacing about JargonFish's "Standard Tools". This post is designed to answer some of these questions:
1. Does this tool enable readers to leave my site?
A - When a reader clicks the results in the JargonFish window, a new browser window will open - your page/site is never replaced, thereby, the reader will return to your site.
2. What type of results are displayed?
A - Well, in the case of Blog Catalog the results are the most recent blog posts throughout the network related to a particular keyword or phrase. This is also true, with regards to the Digg, Technorati, and Blogger Search. In the case of Yahoo! Search the results are the same as if you were to go to Yahoo! and search that word.
Please leave more questions you would like for us to answer. Thanks
Customize those tools
With Jargonfish you can create just about any tool to load in the widget window. From other pages in your blog to videos and even ad tags that you are authorized to use. With our enhanced custom tool maker you can use HTML, Javascript or a url.
What this does it give you complete control over what you decide to be displayed in your widget and add more content that YOU feel is more relevant for your blog.With the added feature of making your own tool, we also have standard tools that are already in place for you to use.
Now your users will have access to more content from the keywords you pick from all across the internet.
Friday, March 21, 2008
This is the first entry to - First what does this blog hope to accomplish:
1. To give you a better understanding of what JargonFish is and how it can benefit your site or blog
2. Answer any questions you might have about JargonFish (an open forum discussion)
3. To share tips in making your JargonFish widget dynamic and a better experience for you and your readers.
4. To post upcoming additions, modifications, releases, partnerships and enhancements so that you can be completely in the loop of what is going on.
Now what is JargonFish?
JargonFish is a customizable in-text content and search widget. The JargonFish widget highlights keywords that YOU select on the pages of your website. When visitors click on those uniquely highlighted keywords, a small JargonFish window is launched providing the visitor with a variety of helpful resources related to that keyword (i.e. Yahoo! Search, BlogCatalog, Wikipedia, YouTube, Flickr, Technorati, Ebay, Amazon as well as your own custom tools).
JargonFish is valued as a content enhancement tool. You, as the publisher, determine the experience you want your users to have as it relates to reading and navigating various articles/websites within your network. With our custom tool feature, you can effectively display and offer more stories, pictures, videos etc. that are relevant to a particular word or phrase.
There are no sign-up or monthly fees associated with JargonFish – it is completely Free for you to customize and use.