Monday, March 24, 2008

Understanding How "Standard Tools" Work

There has been a couple of questions surfacing about JargonFish's "Standard Tools". This post is designed to answer some of these questions:

1. Does this tool enable readers to leave my site?
A - When a reader clicks the results in the JargonFish window, a new browser window will open - your page/site is never replaced, thereby, the reader will return to your site.

2. What type of results are displayed?
A - Well, in the case of Blog Catalog the results are the most recent blog posts throughout the network related to a particular keyword or phrase. This is also true, with regards to the Digg, Technorati, and Blogger Search. In the case of Yahoo! Search the results are the same as if you were to go to Yahoo! and search that word.

Please leave more questions you would like for us to answer. Thanks

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